It also works with my MacPorts perl promoted above the system perl.

Maybe just not finding gnc-fq-check, if that was the case, was enough to 
generate that message.

Peter West
“On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

> On 21 Aug 2021, at 2:30 am, Peter West <> wrote:
> It’s working, using the system perl.
> When I started to tinker, I copies the gnc-* binaries from 
> Contents/Resources/bin to my local directory, so that I could run them 
> without having to delve into I renamed that bin to bin~, and 
> forgot about it. Your mention of 
> /Applications/ sent me to have a look in 
> there.
> I’ll experiment with the MacPorts perl (currently 5.34, whereas system perl 
> is 5.30) and let you know. Thanks for your patience, which I hope you still 
> have.
> Peter
> —
> Peter West
> <>
> “On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
>> On 21 Aug 2021, at 1:54 am, John Ralls < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> That's what "Perl from other sources may or may not work and will regardless 
>> require modifying to 
>> set the perl path and @INC so that GnuCash can find the right F::Q. If you 
>> insist on that you're on your own." is about.
>> The issue is that when you launch from Finder there's no shell so GnuCash 
>> can't see your MacPorts environment changes. Try launching GnuCash from a 
>> shell window that does have the MacPorts environment.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Aug 20, 2021, at 3:55 AM, Peter West < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Doesn’t work for me.
>>> Note: I’m assuming that the message Finance::Quote not installed properly, 
>>> when Add is invoked in the security editor, means that it’s not installed 
>>> properly.
>>> I depend a lot on MacPorts. I’ve tried forcing the installation with 
>>> MacPorts perl 5.34 foremost in my path, and with it (and all other perl 
>>> binaries) relegated in my path. It makes no difference to the appearance of 
>>> that message.
>>> In each case I have checked the installation paths of perl. In the first 
>>> the installation paths are in /opt/local, in the latter they are in /usr, 
>>> /Library, /System, /Network and /usr/local.
>>> Peter
>>> —
>>> Peter West
>>> <>
>>> “On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
>>>> On 20 Aug 2021, at 2:21 pm, Colin <> wrote:
>>>> Thank you John! I ran the commands you provided and Finance::Quote works 
>>>> for the first time since I got my M1 MacBook Air! I’ve been watching the 
>>>> Finance::Quote threads on the list the last few months, always hoping for 
>>>> a solution I could manage to I implement to fix the issue. No doubt I 
>>>> could have missed this if it was posted before, regardless you just made 
>>>> my day.
>>>> For what it’s worth, my install of GnuCash was done the standard way - 
>>>> downloading the DMG from the website. 
>>>> Also, to make the solution crystal clear to those who are not as good on 
>>>> the command line, there was a typo in John’s most recent advice of the 
>>>> commands to run. It is B::Keywords (capital K):
>>>> sudo cpan -i Test2; sudo cpan -f -i B::Keywords; sudo cpan -i 
>>>> Finance::Quote
>>>> Very gratefully, 
>>>> Colin
>>>>> On Aug 19, 2021, at 8:36 PM, wrote:
>>>>> Message: 5
>>>>> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 20:36:28 -0700
>>>>> From: John Ralls < <>>
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> Cc: Mailing List Gnucash < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote on Mac M1
>>>>> Message-ID: < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>>>> You didn't read my letter very carefully: You should be able to get 
>>>>> quotes now if you do `sudo cpan -i Test2; sudo cpan -f -i B::keywords; 
>>>>> sudo cpan -i Finance::Quote`. The system perl is a universal binary and 
>>>>> works in both native and Rosetta2 environments. Perl from other sources 
>>>>> may or may not work and will regardless require modifying 
>>>>> to set the perl 
>>>>> path and @INC so that GnuCash can find the right F::Q. If you insist on 
>>>>> that you're on your own.
>>>>> As for a native M1 build, I haven't decided yet whether to do that before 
>>>>> the next major nettle release. I really don't like pushing development 
>>>>> software at ordinary users, it tends to make for unpleasant surprises. 
>>>>> Meanwhile GnuCash seems to work well under Rosetta2 so there's not a 
>>>>> strong argument for doing a native build until nettle's ARM64 
>>>>> implementation is in a stable release.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> John Ralls
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