Thanks David, I look forward to the update as I have about 10 separate trading 
trees now!

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: David H<>
Sent: 27 June 2021 08:55
To: Public Address<>
Subject: Re: [GNC] GNU cash keeps adding trading accounts

I think this is a known bug discussed/reported back in late April which has 
been fixed and will presumably be released in v4.6 shortly.  Check out for 
more details.  Bug report at

Cheers David H.

On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 at 17:00, Public Address 
<<>> wrote:
Version: 4.5
Build ID: 4.5+(2021-03-27)
Finance::Quote: 1.49
Windows 10

I have been entering stock transactions.  All stocks are successfully set up in 
the security editor.

However, if (say) I buy AMD shares

1                     Buy 10 shares in Brokerage account:AMD

2                     GNU reduces cash in Brokerage account:USD Cash

3                     GNU then automatically creates TRADING:NASDAQ:AMD

4                     Which is fine

5                     Then buy 20 shares of MSFT in Brokerage account:MSFT

6                     GNU reduces cash in Brokerage account:USD Cash

7                     GNU then automatically creates TRADING:NASDAQ:MSFT as a 
totally separate tree ie not under TRADING:NASDAQ created in 3

So for every ticker GNU is creating a separate tree.

I get that I can move the MSFT under NASDQ to sit with AMD but why is GNU 
creating a totally separate tree each time?


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