What are txns? Transactions?
I sorted the Transaction Report by "amount" but I don't know how to limit the 
output to values greater than zero... or to values less than zero.
Do I do that on the Filter tab? And if so how?
If its Regular Expressions my eyes just rolled back in my head :-)
Thanks for  the help.

    On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 12:17:52 PM EDT, Fred Bone 
<fred.b...@dial.pipex.com> wrote:  
 On 11 May 2021 at 12:41, Fran_3 said:

> How can I create a Transaction Report on the Checking AccountAnd show only
> Debits?Or show only Credits? Thanks for any help.

Start by selecting only the relevant txns, perhaps?
e.g. Value has debits greater than 0.00

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