What OS are you using?
It makes a difference where you find them.
For the down loading if your OS is Linux you can easily copy the files 
to another computer using ssh.  That's what I do to back my data files 
and config files from my Mac to my Linux laptop.
On 4/11/21 12:33 PM, Jose A. Lorido III wrote:
To whomever may be able to help,

I have been using Gnucash for my business as well as my personal accounting
on the HDD drive of my laptop. A few weeks ago, my HDD was damaged and
unfortunately, I had not backed up any of my data for the previous 3 years.

I sent my damaged HDD to SalvageData and they were able to recover a number
of files, some of these belonging to the Gnucash program.

The question would be to anyone that may be able to help me is:

1) Which files/folders contain my data files (what would be the extensions
I should look for)?


2) How would I go about downloading them into my new SSD drive on my
laptop, or I could also download them to my desktop which also contains the
Gnucash program?

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated,


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