This sounds like a good reason to use Qt. 😁

(A cross-platform GUI building tool.)


On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 11:45 AM Adrien Monteleone <> wrote:

> I poked around with the inspector quite a bit when GnuCash moved to
> GTK3, and as far as I can tell, the content of the Account Page (save
> the header bar) is not exposed to styling, sorry. (that is, the entire
> account table 'tree' is one CSS node and the individual items, rows, and
> columns are not accessible to CSS)
> You could employ a very ugly workaround though:
> Set every other account to have the background color you want, then turn
> on: Preferences > Accounts > Account Color > Show the Account Color as
> background.
> The downside is you'd need to do this for every other account manually,
> and then when you collapse parts of the tree, your striping will break.
> (and then you can't use other custom colors) You could maybe just set
> the parent accounts to have a background color, so that when everything
> is expanded, there is some visual separation.
> *note, I've found the page easier to read and see the hierarchy when I
> turned *off*: Preferences > General > General > Enable vertical grid
> lines on table displays.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 2/23/21 9:18 PM, Evelyn Yamanaka wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm using GNUCash 4.4 on Windows 10, and I'm trying to customize the
> > appearance of the Account page using the CSS file:
> >
> > %APPDATA%\GnuCash\gtk-3.0.css
> >
> > I can't figure out how to modify alternating rows (background color)
> > or individual columns (e.g. the "Account Name" column) on the Account
> > page because I don't know the CSS selector for those items.
> >
> > I've used the GTK Inspector to identify other elements. But I can't
> > figure out the CSS path for these two items. I've tried the following,
> > in case the tree in the Account page behaved like an HTML table, but
> > neither worked:
> >
> > #gnc-id-account-tree tr:nth-child(even) {
> >      background-color: #888;
> > }
> > #gnc-id-account-tree td:nth-child(1) {
> >      background-color: #888;
> > }
> >
> > More info, including a screenshot for reference, can be found here:
> >
> >
> > Would appreciate any help figuring out which CSS selectors to use, or
> > just letting me know if it's impossible to do. Thanks.
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