Additionally, I might suggest duplicating transactions for the dates in 
question. I do that all the time to catch up in accounts I rarely check. It's 
quite easy then to modify as needed. 
David T. 

-------- Original Message --------
From: David H <>
Sent: Sun Feb 14 01:26:28 EST 2021
To: bdp3 <>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions

A couple of things that might assist...

1. Right click on any txn and click Schedule down near the bottom of the
context menu to create a scheduled txn from an existing txn.

2. Use the Actions >> Scheduled Transactions >> Since Last Run... menu item
to do a manual catchup run if you've setup a scheduled txn that has txn's
to be created that are prior to today + the create in advance period.

I've always found it easier to delete the wrong scheduled txn and create a
new one using item 1 above as it seems to remember the last run date/next
occurrence due and doesn't seem to fire if I try updating the old scheduled

Cheers David H.

On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 at 15:04, bdp3 <> wrote:

> Thank you Adrien!
> But I still don't understand HOW to rerun the SX using a date in the
> past... My SX has many lines and deleting/re-writing it would be a hassle.
>     > Questions:
>     > How can the Scheduled be re-run for prior periods?
> Thanks for your help!
> On 2/13/21, 7:25 AM, "gnucash-user on behalf of Adrien Monteleone"
> < on behalf of
>> wrote:
>     On 2/12/21 9:50 PM, bdp3 wrote:
>     > Questions:
>     > How can the Scheduled be re-run for prior periods?  Can this be
> done?  How?  Is it necessary to delete the Schedule and start all over with
> a new one?
>     Maybe, but if you have to re-create the SX (Scheduled Transaction) and
>     delete the current one, that isn't too painful. (unless you have lots
> of
>     SX in play for this case)
>     > The Schedule in question is basically a distribution of salary costs
> and benefits, may of which are direct percentage relations to salary.  Is
> it possible to enter formulas into the Schedule in such a way that all/most
> split-accounts are updated simply by changing the salary amount?
>     Yes, I've done that when trying to work out an 'envelope method' for
>     savings.
>     Use a variable in each split and name it something useful, like
>     "net_pay", then use a multiplier for the distribution:
>     net_pay*.0125, e.g. to set that split equal to 1.25% of net_pay
>     You'll want to carefully make sure your distributions add up to 100%
> of
>     net_pay or you'll end up with an Imbalance split. (which you can
> always
>     manually fix upon creation)
>     When the SX fires, you'll see a prompt to enter a value for 'net_pay',
>     then the SX will dutifully calculate and fill in the splits for you.
>     I highly recommend to always tick the box to "Review created
>     transactions", to make sure you don't have a rounding error creating
> an
>     Imbalance split.
>     Regards,
>     Adrien
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