Thank all for the replies, but what are "scheme backtraces" and where do
I find them? and how do I "convert" my 2.4 reports to 4.4 compatible
ones? - Elmar
On 2/9/21 11:46 PM, John Ralls wrote:
A fair amount of Scheme API was deprecated in 3.x and removed in 4.x. Look
through the NEWS file for which ones. There should be Scheme backtraces in the
trace file that will help identify the source of the crash.
John Ralls
On Feb 9, 2021, at 3:01 PM, Elmar <> wrote:
I just took the 2.4 file, copied it (CTRL-C/CTRL-V) and renamed it to 2.8.
Opened GC, tried to delete one report, and got a crash to desktop. So no joy
there, unless I have misunderstood what you suggested.
On 2/9/21 4:38 PM, David H wrote:
Since you say they seem to run, why don't you try closing gnucash and then
copying your saved-reports-2.4 to saved-reports-2.8, re-opening Gnucash and
opening each saved report in turn and then if everything looks ok saving the
config of each of your reports ? I've upgraded over the years and am also
using the flatpak version 4.4 on Ubuntu and have both a saved-reports-2.4 and a
saved-reports-2.8 in the .var/app/org.gnucash.GnuCash/data/gnucash/ folder and
the 2.4 version is just ignored.
Just backup your files first of course.
Cheers David H.
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