On 1/18/21 11:22 AM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
Good points. I have bridge software already working and approved by
HMRC for
use. My initial thought was to have a report in GnuCash that
generated the
VAT report for a period. There would then be a menu option to submit
This menu option would generate a csv file containing the VAT values
submission. The bridge software is then invoked independently and
the VAT return to HMRC. As there are only about 6 users interested,
it is
definitely not worth the effort!
That is actually a good approach.
Look at it from my point of view, living over here, 50 states
potentially each requiring sales tax filed electronic (actually, not
all states impose a sales tax -- but of those that do, neither the tax
rates nor on what sorts of things imposed is uniform)
That sort of detail is best kept out of the accounting program itself.
Then users need only install whatever bridges and filing apps which
would be needed for their jurisdiction(s)*
Michael D Novack
* plural, because a business would need to file to every state it had
customers in
I have customers in a number of states. But I have "presence" in only
one (so far). I need file only in the states where I have "presence".
And, yes, keep that out of GnuCash.
Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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