I missed the OP but saw a followup on this question. Here is my attempt to 
explain Transaction Reports Monthly Totals.
I'm running Windows 10 and GnuCash Version 4.1 and getting Transaction Reports 
Monthly Totals seems to work perfectly here.
My Process:
- Click Reports
- Click Transaction Reports
- Click Edit Report Options
.. On General Tab - set date range
.. On Accounts Tab - select Assets > Current Assets > Checking (or whatever 
accout you choose)
.. On Sorting Tab - set Primary Key to Date to "enable " Primary Subtotal Date 
.. On Sorting Tab - set Primary Subtotal for Date Key to "Monthly" (thats the 
default on my Win 10 GnuCash)
.. On Sorting Tab - Make sure Primary Subtotal is checked
.. Click Apply or OK
and KaBoom - there you go

PS - You can also use the Filter Tab to... for instance... only show 
transactions with a key word in the Descriptio Memo or Note Fields...
BUT... this is tricky so make sure your case matches as the Filter uses Regular 
or if you know Regular Expressions you can match any way you like.

Hope this helps.

    On Friday, October 16, 2020, 5:43:28 PM EDT, Gal <galb...@gmail.com> wrote: 
 Christopher Lam wrote
> Can you attach a screenshot of the problem?
> Use MSPaint or something to hide any sensitive data. Also switch on
> "General / Add options summary" to "Always" to show us which options were
> set.

Having the same issue. can't get monthly sub totals.
Here's a screenshot:

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