The Business features were designed for accrual accounting, but you can
use them on a cash basis if you don't post until you make payment.
In that case, anything in your expense accounts would be paid. They
won't show up otherwise.
If you have bills posted that are not yet paid, you should unpost them
because posting realizes the expenses as of the posting date rather than
the payment date - thus violating the cash basis rule.
Once that is cleared up, a simple transaction report will do the trick,
or if you want it by account, then do a P&L with only the expense
accounts selected.
Note, even without unposting the bills at all, a Transaction Report set
to include only accounts that both match an Expenses *and* Checking/Cash
will show you those transactions that are paid. Then you'd just have to
do the same for those that match Expenses and AP to see what might be
left to find or filter out.
To get this filtered report:
1. Go to Options > Accounts
2. Select the Expense parent account
3. Click the Select Children button
4. Set Filter > 'Include Transactions to/from Filter Accounts'
5. Select just the 'Checking' and 'Cash' accounts (and any other
relevant ones where payment is made on the spot - but not AP or Credit
Card accounts, unless you want to consider Credit Card use as 'paid'
6. Go to General and set your date range.
On 9/11/20 6:04 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
Thanks Adrian. You zeroed in on the issue.
This particular entity is reporting on a cash basis... not accrual.And, sadly,
in this case using Invoices that were posted and paid to vendors won't get the
entire picture as some incidental purchases/expenses were paid without posting
an invoice from the vendor...But, in both cases... they do show up in expenses.
So, I guess we are stuck with a lot of work to figure this out.I will read your
last reply more carefully this weekend and see if I discover any hint's to make
it easier.Thanks again for the help.
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