First, let me say that I have never in my 50 years of accounting/bookkeeping, 
been successful setting up and using a budget.  It was just too much work when 
the information was already in the books as to how much was spent in each 
account in each period.  The few times I set up a very simple one, there was no 
relating it to actual.
I have been treasurer of a non-profit for the past 7 years.  My predecessors, 
if I was lucky, kept a check register.  It took a long time to get the term 
assets/liabilities in to some sort of books.  I suppose I was fortunate that we 
weren't big enough, here in USA, that I didn't have to make detailed reports to 
the government, and the members were only concerned with cash in bank.
We do, from time to time, have dedicated funds to specific purposes.  I can 
easily see the balance of these funds and make deposits/withdrawals.  
    110 Bank of Gnu    $1,337.34    placeholder shows sum of sub accounts
    .... 110.1 General fund    $1,234.45    .... 110.2 Dedicated fund 1    
$67.89    .... 119,3 dedicated fund 2    $35.00One bank account with virtual 
funds. Now I know at a glance how much is each dedicated fund.  I even had one 
slip into the red this month which is ok in that it tracks donations for our 
dinners and would have come out of General fund any way.  In fact, based on a 
comment by our Commander, I had just set up the fund using data from the first 
of last year.

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