Did I mess up my thunderbird configuration to send plain text? I had the
image in here. Or is this list plain text only?
Link to the image on Dropbox
- Jeff
On 8/5/2020 10:28 AM, Jeff Albrecht wrote:
Devs and users,
I want to add a short text entry somewhere on many of my transactions
that are being imported and matched. Specifically if I bought some
goodie, dodad or whatnot from ePay or Amizoned I'd like to add what
the item was in my GNUCash check register.
_My Current Workflow_
Ignore monthly reminders to import .OFX
Do six to twelve months at a time
Download the .OFX from my bank
Import the .OFX
Match obvious like Netflix, utilities, grocers etc... that don't need
a memo.
Move the remaining unmatched transactions into a temporary register,
for instance 'UnAcountedFor2020' where I can add some arbitrary text
to a memo or description field.
Then lookup transactions on the vendor websites and try to jog my
memory what a a transaction was actually for. This may be handy for
reordering, or explaining to my Accountant. For instance in the
following image replacement nozzles for my pressure washer, this text
string was copied from the vendor, Amazon, orders list item
description. Copy and Paste.
Next I highlight the UnAccountedFor2020 and utilize the 4.x partial
pattern matcher which again, is so COOL, such a time saver. (Maybe
have a short list at the top of the picker of the last ten accounts
selected? This would leave my hand on the mouse for many of the
I continue this until the UnAccountedFor2020 register is empty.
I've noticed that the yellow line which has the 'UnAccountedFor2020'
is always blank in the memo/description. I put my desired text there.
If during the .OFX import matching some input box that I could enter
my memo/description text would appear as I pick the proper matching
account. Again that yellow line that has the desired target account is
always blank in the memo/description and may be the likely candidate
for the text target. If I could ad that user inputted text during the
import transaction matching I wouldn't need to move desired
transactions for memo/description into a temporary register as I do in
my current work flow.
c ya... - Jeff
Jeff Albrecht
KF7CRU @jhalbrecht
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