
I haven’t looked at the standard inline report CSS lately, so I didn’t realize 
there was a background specified.

How is it interfering with adding columns in LO Calc?

I’ll offer this: I always select the entire sheet (clicking that empty cell in 
both row/column headers) and remove *all* styling.

Then I style the way I want.

Templates can be employed and applied with a click or so if you desire.

That would remove said background color, though I agree it shouldn’t be there. 
(neither should a foreground color) Those properties should be inherited from 
‘default’ or specified by the user if they don’t like ‘default’.


> On Jun 18, 2020 w25d170, at 7:49 PM, flywire <> wrote:
> I was really pleased to be pointed to opening HTML reports directly in LO
> Calc last month. I can see CSS is very versatile but I'm not proficient
> with it.
> Hopefully someone can contribute a quick guide for GnuCash reports at some
> stage. I'd be happy with just turning off the white background because the
> main thing I do is add extra columns.

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