I would like to start recording my stock trades in GnuCash (3.10). Based on
the instructions I could find
(https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Trading_Accounts) I enabled "Trading"
accounts and then created a top-level Trading account with the name

I tried to fumble through the instructions by creating a sub account with a
stock type "ABC". Then I clicked on "Transfer" and selected "Trading" as my
"From" Account (I had deposited $10,000 into it from my Equity account), and
"ABC" as my "To" account. For "Amount" I picked $10,000 and for "To Amount"
I selected 20,000, at which point GnuCash correctly calculated "1 ABC =
0.50000 AUD" (Australian dollars is my currency).

At this point my accounts look like this:

- Trading ($10,000)
  - ASX (-$10,000)
    - ABC (20,000- ABC)
  - CURRENCY ($10,000)
    - AUD ($10,000)
  ABC (20,000 ABC)

I can't really tell whether this is right or not. In any case I now tried to
sell the stocks, say at $0.6 to simulate a 20% profit. So I hit "Transfer
funds" again and type $12,000 as the amount and select "Trading:ABC" as my
"From" account. However, now Gnucash incorrectly says "Currency AUD
(Australian Dollar)" for the "From" account, when the currency is actually
ABC stock. There's no option for me to select the number of stock or, if
"Amount" is already supposed to represent the number of stock (I can't tell)
then I have no option to select the price I achieved per stock on the sale.

The other thing I tried was sending a negative amount of money from
"Trading" to "Trading:ABC" to simulate the sale, so I typed "-12000" into
the amount column and -20000 in the "To Amount" column, which results in the
message "1 ABC = 0.60000 AUD" which seems right.

However, now my whole account appears to be in a somewhat buggy state; the
"Trading" account says $10,000 next to it when viewed from the main accounts
window, but when I enter the account, I can see 3 transactions ($10k
transfer from equity, $10k transfer to ABC and $12k transfer back in from
ABC from the sale) with a final balance of $12,000, which doesn't match up
with what I see in the main account. Also, if I click on any of the
transactions I get a popup saying "The current transaction is not balance."
with two options; "Balance it manually" and "Let GnuCash add an adjusting
split". Chosing either option or pressing cancel have no effect, and I can't
click anything else in the window without that popup coming back unless I
close the account or delete the transaction.

I can't inspect any transaction other than the first transfer from Equity as
the popup prevents me from looking at any other splits. However, if I click
on View -> Transaction Journal I can see that all f the transactions seem to
balance, with an equal number of "Increase" and "decrease" amounts for AUD
as well as for ABC.

I also tried this tutorial:

However, the instructions on that wiki page don't match with what I see in
GnuCash (e.g. they have screenshots of "Shares", "Price", "Buy" and "Sell"
columns - I only have "Decrease" and "Increase"), so I wasn't really sure
how to make that work.

Any ideas on how I can use this feature?

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