John, I have found lost 4 transactions, they are from invoices but not 
connected with invoices.
Found using your SQL with left outer join and ordering by invoices.date_posted. 
They have Null in invoices columns.
 They have vendor names In transactions.description...
 All of them are transactions with splits   
 “Lot link”, “offset between documents: Bill... Credit note ....”!


> On Apr 30, 2020 at 22:19,  <John Ralls (>  wrote:
>  GnuCash stores all dates as UTC but displays them as local, applying the 
> timezone rules for the date, not for today. So in EEST 2020-02-12 22:00:00 
> displays as 2020-02-13, 2020-06-12 21:00:00 displays as 2020-06-13, but 
> 2020-02-21 21:00:00 displays as 2020-02-21. Regards, John Ralls  >  On Apr 
> 30, 2020, at 11:42 AM, wrote:  >   >  It is not just adding 
> one day, it depends on the time.  >   >  Looks like time 00:00:00 is the same 
> date, not next.  >   >  From 21:00:00 is the next date in most cases, but I 
> did not check all transactions manually =)  >   >  How the program converts 
> this wrong dates to the correct ones in its GUI?  >   >  I believe I have 
> found a correct way to convert all the dates including wrong ones to correct 
> dates in Postgresql (pgAdmin 4):  >   >   >  date(t.post_date AT TIME ZONE 
> 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'EEST') AS DATE_AT_timezone_EEST  >   >  EEST is a correct 
> zone in my case. CEST does not work.  >   >  The transactions.post_date type 
> is timestamp without timezone: 2017-12-31 21:00:00  >   >  t.post_date AT 
> TIME ZONE 'EEST' AS timestamp_AT_timezone_EEST gives 2017-12-31 21:00:00+3  > 
>   >  date(t.post_date AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'EEST') AS 
> DATE_AT_timezone_EEST gives 2018-01-01  >   >  Looks strange but works.  >   
> >  2.  >   >  There are only 3 transactions with 22:00:00 not connected with 
> invoices.  >   >  There is only 1 transaction with 21:00:00 not connected 
> with invoices.  >   >  Thinking how to find them...  >   >   >   >  On 
> 30/04/2020 21:25, John Ralls wrote:  >>  Hmm, true. Should be always, since 
> you're in a time zone east of the prime meridian. So you also want to 
> increment the day on those. I think it would be safest to do it in two 
> queries, the first one being  >>   >>  update transactions post_date = 
> post_date + interval '1 day' where post_date::TIME != '10:59:00';  >>   >>  
> and the second to update the time as before.  >>   >>  Regards,  >>  John 
> Ralls  >>   >>   >>>  On Apr 30, 2020, at 11:07 AM, Finfort  
> <>  wrote:  >>>   >>>  If post_date is 2017-12-31 22:00 or 
> 23:00, it means (sometimes?) the real date is 2018-01-01. At least in cases 
> where I manually checked the invoices.  >>>  Setting all times to 10:59:00 
> will give wrong dates in the program.  >>>  Now they are displayed correctly 
> in the program somehow...  >>>   >>>   >>>   >>>>  On Apr 30, 2020 at 20:59,  
> <John Ralls>  wrote:  >>>>   >>>>  I don't think that's necessary.  >>>>   
> >>>>  To fix the wrong times just do an update query, something like  >>>>   
> >>>>  update transactions set post_date::TIME = 10:59:00 where 
> post_date::TIME != 10:59:00;  >>>>   >>>>  I don't know Postgresql's 
> date-time functions well enough to know if that syntax works, you might have 
> to adjust it a bit. You might create a table with a DATETIME column and put a 
> couple of rows in it to test against while you tweak. Make sure that GnuCash 
> isn't connected to the database when you run that.  >>>>   >>>>  Regards,  
> >>>>  John Ralls  >>>>   >>>>   >>>>>  On Apr 30, 2020, at 10:45 AM, Finfort  
> <>  wrote:  >>>>>  How can I help?  >>>>>  I can send you my 
> gnucash file if it helps to find all the bugs.  >>>>>  And how can I change 
> now my wrong dates in transactions?  >>>>>   >>>>>>  On Apr 30, 2020 at 
> 20:41,  <John Ralls>  wrote:  >>>>>>  Yeah, it's definitely a bug. I easily 
> found the wrong code and I'll fix it for 3.903 and 3.11.  >>>>>>  The query 
> actually accounts for only 543 of the 547 wrong times, so there's another 
> error somewhere else.  >>>>>>  Regards,  >>>>>>  John Ralls  >>>>>>   >>>>>>> 
>  On Apr 30, 2020, at 10:27 AM, Finfort  <>  wrote:  >>>>>>>  
> Also I tried to unpost and post again. No changes.  >>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>  On 
> Apr 30, 2020 at 19:44,  <Finfort>  wrote:  >>>>>>>>  Hi John,  >>>>>>>>  The 
> result is:  >>>>>>>>  22:00:00 253  >>>>>>>>  00:00:00 18  >>>>>>>>  21:00:00 
> 250  >>>>>>>>  23:00:00 22  >>>>>>>>  So wrong dates are only when I use 
> invoices.  >>>>>>>>  On 29/04/2020 23:56, John Ralls wrote:  >>>>>>>>>  
> Please remember to copy the list on all replies.  >>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>  I 
> take it that that means that you do in fact use the business invoice 
> features. Let's see if that's the source of the problem. Run this query:  
> >>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>  select t.post_date::TIME count(t.post_date::TIME) from 
> transactions as t inner join invoices as i on i.post_txn = t.guid group by 
> t.post_date::TIME;  >>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>  Regards,  >>>>>>>>>  John Ralls  
> >>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>  On Apr 29, 2020, at 1:41 PM, Finfort  
> <>  wrote:  >>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>  But the program use 
> business features like entering invoices or bills.  >>>>>>>>>>  And we have 
> this mess.  >>>>>>>>>>  How we can manage that?  >>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>   
> >>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  On Apr 29, 2020 at 23:23,  <John Ralls>  wrote:  
> >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  Dimon,  >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  I'm in Silicon 
> Valley, so 10 hours behind you.  >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  By "simple 
> invoices" do you mean that some of the transactions are created using 
> business invoices?  >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  My book goes back to 1993 and 
> entry_dates begin in 2001. We changed the transaction time from local 
> midnight in early 2011 so `select distinct time(post_date) from 
> transactions;` returns  >>>>>>>>>>>  10:59:00  >>>>>>>>>>>  07:00:00  
> >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  If I say instead `select distinct time(post_date) 
> from transactions where post_date  >  '2011-01-01';` I just get 10:59:00.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  But I don't use the business features, so if 
> that's the problem my book won't show it.  >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>  
> Regards,  >>>>>>>>>>>  John Ralls  >>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>>  On Apr 29, 
> 2020, at 10:13 AM, Finfort  <>  wrote:  >>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi 
> John!  >>>>>>>>>>>>  You are here finally!  >>>>>>>>>>>>  Waiting for you all 
> the day :)  >>>>>>>>>>>>  All my data I have entered inside Gnucash 3.7, 
> Ubuntu. No imports! Scheduled are ok!  >>>>>>>>>>>>  Just simple invoices 
> inside the program!  >>>>>>>>>>>>  The SQL type conversions inside Postgres 
> give better results with 22:00 but 21:00 show the same date again even in 
> April - summer time where is for example 2018-06-04 21:00:00+03.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>  22:00+02 is 00:00 of the next day, 21:00+03 (summer time) is 
> 00:00 of the next day but conversion does not work...  >>>>>>>>>>>>  So, 
> maybe you could try this SQL to check your records and revise the procedure 
> which posts the data to DB?  >>>>>>>>>>>>  Thank you,  >>>>>>>>>>>>  Dimon.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>>>  On Apr 29, 2020 at 19:50,  <John Ralls>  wrote: 
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  On Apr 29, 2020, at 2:18 AM, 
> wrote:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Dear John,  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Thank 
> you for your response.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I have collected some statistics from 
> my DB.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  My DB has 1724 records - transactions.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  This is my SQL query, it is pretty simple and shows all the 
> combinations of times in posted_date timestamps in transactions table, number 
> of repetitions for that time value, min enter_date, max enter_date:  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  SELECT  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  t.post_date::TIME as "POST TIME",  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  COUNT(t.post_date::TIME) as "REPS",  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
> min(t.enter_date) as "MIN ENTER DATE",  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  max(t.enter_date) as 
> "MAX ENTER DATE"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  FROM transactions t  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  GROUP 
> BY t.post_date::TIME  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ORDER BY t.post_date::TIME  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Here are the results:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ----  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  
> POST TIME REPS MIN ENTER DATE MAX ENTER DATE  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "00:00:00" 18 
> "2020-01-26 18:07:14" "2020-01-28 19:11:07"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "10:59:00" 1177 
> "2019-12-23 17:55:29" "2020-04-23 11:24:24"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "21:00:00" 251 
> "2020-01-08 17:43:54" "2020-04-23 10:36:33"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "22:00:00" 256 
> "2020-01-08 17:06:59" "2020-04-23 11:24:08"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  "23:00:00" 22 
> "2020-01-27 19:16:04" "2020-01-28 19:39:49"  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ----  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I live in Cyprus, here is UTC +2 and summer time UTC +3, as I 
> know.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I started to study Gnucash in December 2019 and have 
> entered my data of 2016-2020.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I never changed my place and 
> time zone in the period of working with Gnucash.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  1. Most of 
> the records have time in date_posted 10:59:00 for all the period of data 
> entering.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  2. Only 2 days of entering have the results of 
> 00:00:00 - 18 records.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  3. Only 2 days of entering have the 
> results of 23:00:00 - 22 records.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  4. 21:00:00 and 22:00:00 - 
> 500+ records - 30% of transactions for all the period of data entering.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Can you please explain that?  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Why I have so 
> many different time stamps? When and why the system decides to write time 
> different from 10:59:00?  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  I understand that the system writes 
> real ENTERING date and time and it is reasonable to use the time zone 
> somehow.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  When I POST the document with exact date in it I 
> suppose to see this POST DATE the same wherever in Cyprus or UK or USA. But 
> entering the same date I can have 5 different results. How it works and what 
> is the reason - I have no idea...  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Maybe you can give some 
> examples and the algorithm to convert these dates? Where else I have to 
> convert dates?  >>>>>>>>>>>>>  As those are all posted dates you've found a 
> bug or two as posted date should always have a 10:59:00 timestamp. The 21:00 
> and 22:00 times are clearly midnight local, and which one is used *should* be 
> determined by whether DST is in effect for the posted date in your locale. It 
> seems that 40 transactions somehow used UK time instead of Cypress time.  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Did you enter all of the transactions from the GnuCash UI or 
> did you import some of them? If you imported some is there any way to tell 
> which were imported (and from where and by what method), perhaps by the 
> accounts their splits are in or because you still have some of the import 
> files?  >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Were any of them created by scheduled transactions?  
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>  Regards,  >>>>>>>>>>>>>  John Ralls  >>>>>>>>>>>>>   >>>>>>>>  
>  >>>>>>   >>>>   
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