On 4/18/2020 11:15 AM, jewelzee5 wrote:
After the regular Earnings section of my paycheck, there are two types of
"imputed" income that are reported on my paycheck:

1. Spotify Imputed
2. Imputed Tip Income

I understand I might enter those amounts as a Credit in income accounts, but
what accounts should I debit?

You can have "income" that is virtual though affects your taxes << it is taxable income to you though you have not received it >>  This is more an accounting question than a specific gnucash question (you'd have the same issue pen and ink on paper) but lets deal with it anyway. Should discuss separately things like "tips" (because if imputed tip income is on your paycheck you probably ARE getting some tip income) and cases where clearly totally virtual, like an employee benefit that is taxable to you but the benefit was something other than money (in my case that was usually the portion of life insurance premiums above what was not taxable -- in other words, the benefit was life insurance coverage above 50,000)

You have some choices. You could create a virtual expense account or two. For example, for imputed tip income that you never received an expense "lost tip income" << note; if you did have real tip income, the imputed is an adjustment amount --- BUT I am not going to address why you might or might not want to keep an accurate accounting >> If I had been accounting at this level during my working days I might have created an expense for "additional group term insurance premiums" and debited that.

Michael D Novack

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