On 15 April 2020 at 9:02, Derek Atkins said:

> Hi Andrew,
> First, please remember to CC gnucash-user on your replies so that others
> may benefit from the conversation and chime in.  You can do this by using
> the Reply-To-List or Reply-All functionality in your mailer.
> If you could supply us with the URL of the page that points to WinXP,
> there is a chance that we might be able to fix it.  BUt of course it
> depends if it is on a page that we can control or not.  No way for us to
> tell without knowing the specific page ;)

The "XP/Vista" text in the "Download Gnucash 3.10" box at the top of the 
main gnucash.org page links to 
which does not go directlly where you expect, but to
from which clicking on the top ("gnucash (stable)") link leads you to the 
list of available releases. Which, yes, does include 2.6.21 which the 
main page tells you is the latest one supported on XP/Vista. So the OP's 
complaint that it "just goes to the version for 7, 8 and 10" is 

It might be better to have the link on the main page point to

Incidentally I am still on 2.6.21 (on Win10) and find it entirely 
satisfactory. I have tried one or two of the 3.x series but see no 
compelling reason to upgrade (if it ain't broke ...)

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