
I disagree. In earlier versions, a transaction was only considered reconciled 
or not; its date of reconciliation was not considered. That a spurious date was 
entered for the reconciliation didn't affect the functionality of the software. 
Now, it does. 

That is a change in compatibility. 

Given that gnucash has a policy of backward compatibility, this change in 
behavior breaks that. Are the developers good with that change in policy?

On Apr 9, 2020, 16:35, at 16:35, Adrien Monteleone 
<> wrote:
>If I understood David correctly, the error was not caused by the change
>in the reconciliation code, but by David inadvertently entering a short
>year date. (“20” instead of “2018”, which became “2020”)
>In that case, since there is no facility to the user to edit reconcile
>dates, the only option is to edit the data directly.
>> On Apr 9, 2020 w15d100, at 1:10 AM, D via gnucash-user
><> wrote:
>> So, David, you're saying you edited the data file directly in order
>to fix the new reconciliation problem?
>> If so, that's a pretty strong indication to me that this change
>should get rolled back. There is no situation in which I think an end
>user should have to edit the data directly in order to complete
>> David T. 
>> On Apr 9, 2020, 06:55, at 06:55, David Cousens
><> wrote:
>>> Problem resolved. Caused by entering 31/12/20 instead of 31/12/2018
>>> when
>>> entering the end date fro a previous reconcilation. Edited datafile
>>> corrected all reconciliation dates set as 2020-12-31 to 2018-12-31
>>> the
>>> file now reconciles correctly to 31/12/2019 with the correct
>>> balance calculation,
>>> David
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