On 3/24/2020 7:58 AM, lbo...@rogers.com wrote:
Would it be possible to incorporate a backup module function into the menu bar, as a
pull-down feature under the heading "File", as is commonly found in some
programs? Backing up to the hardrive is currently automatic but saving to a disc or
memory stick, for off site storage could be made simpler for the less technically
inclined user.
Would not be hard to do BUT would foster bad practice with regard to
backup procedures. Do you really want to back up all the data on your
computer file by file? The point is, it is not just your gnucash data
that needs backup but ALL your user data. And if there is a process
whereby all your user data is backed up, a special process to back up
gnucash data is redundant.
Look at procedures/process alternatives for general backup. Which would
work best for you. There are lots of alternatives.
Michael D Novack
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