
Report 1: Balance Sheet 2017
Report 2: Balance Sheet 2018
Report 3: Balance Sheet 2019
Create Multicolumn Balance Sheet which includes these three reports.

This behaves as expected.

Edit Report 1 - let’s say to omit the links to accounts.

Run Multicolumn Report again - no change in output.


Edit Multicolumn Report - Remove Balance Sheet 2017 then Add Balance Sheet 2017


I suspect that reports which have been edited and saved aren’t simply replaced, 
but both versions are retained and labelled (? using UUID ?). Multicolumn 
reports aren’t aware of this, and pick up the zombies.


Always rename reports destined for multicolumn reporting when editing - this 
gets messy - or always remember to edit a multicolumn report after any of its 
constituents has been edited (which looks odd because you’re apparently 
deleting named reports and replacing them with reports with the same names.

I expect this won’t be a priority area for development, but this message may 
save another struggling user some hair-loss.


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