No, this hasn’t changed as of v3.8.


> On Feb 28, 2020 w9d59, at 9:30 AM, Stan Brown <> 
> wrote:
> Amen to that! When I use the account picker while entering a
> transaction, I get all accounts in alphabetical order. It would be MUCH
> more useful to get a fan-out by account hierarchy. After all, if I know
> I'm entering an expense, other types of accounts just get in the way.
> As it is, to use the picker I need to know the beginning of the account
> name that I want. But if I knew that, I wouldn't need to use the picker
> -- I could just type the first few characters and use autocomplete.
> (I think it was a suboptimal design choice to have "only use leaf
> account names" as a one setting that affects two things: display in a
> transaction and display in the account picker. I don't have enough
> screen space to show the entire account hierarchy in a transaction, but
> I do want it in the account picker. I'm still using 2.6.18, so maybe
> this has been improved in later versions?)

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