You can’t. It is a one at a time deal. But if that is everything in that 
register, you can delete the entire account, then re-create it and start over.


> On Feb 16, 2020 w8d47, at 12:14 PM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user 
> <> wrote:
> They are the last 663 checking transactions and they were already saved 
> gnuCash and its going to be hard to go back to an earlier version.
> My plan is to export those last 633 transactions and edit them in a 
> spreadsheet... which I've already doneand I ended up with just 5 columns...  
> Date, Num, Description, Deposit, Withdrawal
> Next I need to delete the last 633 transactions from the check register but I 
> have not been able to select multiple checking transactions...
> Any idea on how do select multiple checking transactions so you can just 
> delete them all at once?
> Thanks for the help !

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