
  Thanks!  This worked perfect.  I'm back in service.

-----Original Message-----
From: david whiting <d...@davidwhiting.me.uk>
To: Adrien Monteleone <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net>
Cc: Gnucash Users <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Find Transaction Dialog Box, v3.7, ubuntu 18.04.3,
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2019 17:13:13 +0000

I've bookmarked it because I need to do it as well. See email from
JohnRails on 29 October with this:
Edit /usr/share/gnucash/gtkbuilder/dialog-search.glade and change the
valuein line 305 (the expand property) to True. When you're done it
will looklike:
              <packing>                <property
name="expand">True</property>                <property
name="fill">True</property>                <property
name="position">1</property>              </packing>

On Thu, 19 Dec 2019, 16:54 Adrien Monteleone, <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
Check the list archives from earlier this month or November. There is
athread on this containing a fix for the interim until the next version
isreleased. (around the end of the year)
Sorry I don’t recall the fix explicitly off-hand. Perhaps someone who
doescan chime in if you can’t find it.
On Dec 19, 2019 w51d353, at 10:48 AM, Michael A. Koerber <
makoerb...@gmail.com> wrote:

Just upgraded gnucash from v2.6 to v3.7 (and upgraded ubuntu).
The geometry of the Find Transaction dialog box makes it
virtuallyimpossible to enter a search.  See below image.  I can't find
a way tomake text input boxes large enough to use.  Can anyone help
withthis?  (I've tried to uninstall/reinstall with no improvements.)
<Screenshot from 2019-12-19 09-25-43.png>
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