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I'm glad that you got GnuCash working to your satisfaction.

John Ralls

> On Sep 13, 2019, at 2:46 PM, Alton Brantley <> wrote:
> Thanks for the input, John
> I had moved my 2.6.21 to another folder, named Gnucash 2.6.21 and had run it 
> from there. Then I installed 3.7-1 into a new folder named Gnucash, and ran 
> it from there. That’s when it was sluggish and seemed not to be reading the 
> stored options incorrectly.
> I bit the bullet and deleted the Gnucash 2.6.21 folder and the older working 
> version and its subsidiary files stored in the “.app” bundle, rebooted my 
> machine, and ran the 3.7 version. It ran slow the first time I ran it loading 
> the data file. I then immediately exited the program back to Finder, and then 
> re-ran it. It came up much faster and the beachballs are gone.
> I suspect (but cannot verify or prove) that in some way the execution of the 
> program was being cross-linked with some components of the older version, 
> perhaps even symbolically or by a text parameter, and then having problems 
> running correctly.
> I do know for a fact that a lot of the software status is stored in the 
> “Defaults” space, the preference database. Deleting the older app may well 
> have made those text references fail, and therefore made the Defaults space 
> delete them, so that the second execution used either no info, and so found 
> them in its “.app” tree, and then loaded them into Defaults.
> Thanks again for taking a look at this.
> Alton
>> On Sep 12, 2019, at 2:16 PM, John Ralls <> wrote:
>>> On Sep 12, 2019, at 5:42 AM, Alton Brantley <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mac OS X 10.14.6, I’ve moved from Gnucash 2.6.21 to 3.7. All the data 
>>> look fine, BUT
>>> I get lots of beachballs as I move from one screen to the next, or even 
>>> scroll within a register. Looking at the logs,
>>> I get lots of Gnucash process messages along the lines of 
>>> "found no value for key NSPersistentUIShowQuietSafeQuitStatus in 
>>> CFPrefsSearchListSource<0x6000030bed80> 
>>> (Domain: org.gnucash.Gnucash, Container: (null))”
>>> So it seems that the program is not finding something it expects and is 
>>> spending a lot of time in error or fault management. Any suggestions about
>>> how to give the program what it needs for the keys for which it’s finding 
>>> no values?
>> That's a new one.
>> Google finds only one useful page about that, 
>> and after two years the Docker 
>> folks still haven't figured it out.
>> Neither string is present in MacOS.10.14.sdk nor turns up anything for me 
>> when I search Console.
>> Try using the spindump tool in /Applications/Utilities/ActivityMonitor (the 
>> gear icon) when GnuCash is beach-balling to get a snapshot of what's going 
>> on.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls

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