> On 13 Sep 2019, at 18:40, Christian Pinedo Zamalloa <chr.pin...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am taking part in the airdrop of Stellar Lumens (XLM) in the keybase
> application so I received some free XLM cryptocoins that I would like
> to account with gnucash.
> The problem I have is the number of decimals. Cryptocurrency uses up
> to 7 decimals (11,1234567) and the price of the currency is often
> available with 6 decimals, for example, yesterday's XLM/EUR price was
> 0.052929 
> (https://www.investing.com/crypto/stellar/xlm-eur-historical-data?cid=1129224)
> I configured an stock account in gnucash to track XLM coins: I set the
> numbers I received with 7 decimals, I enter the price (this is round
> to 4 decimals) and finally I get the value rounded to only 2 decimals
> (this is the main problem).
> The problem I have is that I need to enter very low fees of 0,00002
> XML @ 0,052929  = 0,000001059 € (from Asset:XML to Expense:XML). So
> these commissions are rounded to 0 € of value by gnucash and my
> balance fails because I reduce the number of XML coins for 0 euros.
> What could I do to face it? Thanks!

If you were to record your transactions in nanoXLM (i.e. multiply the GnuCash 
entries in XLM by 10^9), would that work?

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