Indeed, unselecting those columns in Options > Display Columns shrinks the 
table to not take 100% of the space.
A simpler fix would be to change this line in the CSS block:

.entries-table > table { width: 100% }

to simply:

table { width: 100% }

as there is no reason to specify this for just the .entries-table that I can 
see. (other than the ‘main’ table, each of the header sections are their own 
table, but still behave if they are set to 100%.

You might also set just the entries-table container smaller and center it:

.entries-table {  width: 75%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

I’m generally not a fan of nested tables for layout purposes, especially when 
the layout can be achieved with floats. (that are being used anyway) The 
invoice line items *are* tabular data, so a table there of course makes sense 
and is semantically correct.

I filed a bug for this:


> On Sep 10, 2019 w37d253, at 6:39 PM, John Morris <> wrote:
> Hi Adrien,
>  You were right, the changes I had made did have a bearing on this problem. 
> However, they only reveal the miscoded HTML in GnuCash 3. Also, the changes 
> in question are to the invoice report itself, not the stylesheet.
>  It turns out that the relevant change I made is that we have no need for 
> several of the columns (Date, Action, Discount and Taxable). As soon as those 
> columns are eliminated, the table becomes narrower. Digging deeper, I 
> discovered that GnuCash 2.6 inserts a vitally important width=“100%” into all 
> but the outermost <table> command in the invoice. GnuCash 3.7 does not insert 
> that argument. Thus, when several columns are removed, the table is narrower. 
> Of course, my banner is still the same width, leaving the invoice body too 
> small for the page.
>  If you can confirm this behavior, I think we can call this a bug.
>  Fortunately, I think I have found a workaround until the code is corrected. 
> Thinking back about my misadventures with the CSS, I remembered that there 
> was a width: 100% for each of the subtables. However, looking at the HTML 
> code, I noticed that there was an additional table called “main-table” 
> enclosing everything except the banner. This table style was not given the 
> 100% width. Adding 
> .main-table > table { width: 100% }
> to the end of the CSS field in the invoice options gives me exactly what I 
> want.
> Best,
> John

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