It should, provided that the Unix locale settings provided by the OS are 
correct. For example Apple has a long-standing error in their Swiss currency 
file that provides '.' and ',' for the thousands separator and decimal point 
respectively (the Swiss use ' ' and '.'). The ICU-based locale data are 
correct, which confuses users.

John Ralls

> On Sep 9, 2019, at 10:23 AM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> David,
> I would second that notion against making it default.
> I see this as an issue of locale though, and it is only for display. (the 
> grouping space, like the grouping comma is not part of the data, or should 
> not be.) Also, Fiable notes the desire to copy/paste or import, so typing the 
> thin/narrow space wouldn’t be an issue, and that can be solved anyway with a 
> keyboard map and a higher level modifier key.
> Fiable,
> What is your locale setting in your OS? Do you have ‘grouping’ set to 
> ’space’? Is your default currency in GnuCash also one normally used in that 
> locale? I should think GnuCash would use that OS setting. (or should)
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Sep 9, 2019 w37d252, at 8:24 AM, David Carlson 
>> <> wrote:
>> First, ISO 31-0 was withdrawn on 17 November 2009. It is superseded by ISO
>> 80000-1 <>. Other parts of ISO 31
>> have also been withdrawn and replaced by parts of ISO 80000
>> <>.
>> That standard suggests that large numbers with many digits be displayed as
>> groups of three separated by a small space instead of dots or commas.  We
>> do not have small space characters on our keyboards, so that will be
>> difficult to implement.
>> I would also argue that in the U.S. average persons will adopt small spaces
>> with the same fervor that they have adopted metric measures in general.
>> While it would be ok to adopt this convention as an alternate in GnuCash, I
>> am strongly against forcing the display  to omit dots or commas as
>> thousands separators.
>> From Wikipedia " In Unicode <>, thin
>> space is encoded at U+
>> <>
>> 2009   thin space (HTML &#8201; *·* &thinsp;). Unicode's U+
>> <>
>> 202F   narrow no-break space
>> <> (HTML &#8239;)
>> is a non-breaking
>> space <> with a width
>> similar to that of the thin space."
>> That's my 2 ¢.
>> On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 6:40 AM via gnucash-user <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> I suggest an option for the acceptance by GnuCash of the international
>>> notation of numbers, as defined by ISO 31-0 standard and the 22nd General
>>> Conference on Weights and Measures, which declared in 2003 that "the symbol
>>> for the decimal marker shall be either the point on the line or the comma
>>> on the line" and further reaffirmed that "numbers may be divided in groups
>>> of three in order to facilitate reading; neither dots nor commas are ever
>>> inserted in the spaces between groups".81 235,67 and 81 235.67 have the
>>> same meaning and would both be accepted, but 81,235.67 would be refused.
>>> Presently space is neither accepted in importing nor in pasting into
>>> GnuCash. Moreover, if one has chosen the dot as decimal separator then the
>>> coma is refused and vice versa... So I very often have to modify files in
>>> LibreOffice before importing them into GnuCash, and to type figures I could
>>> just copy and paste.
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