
I was hoping to get to test this as well pre-release, but didn’t get to.

I can confirm that at least for the Transaction Report, so far, indeed, 
Saturday is a fixed start day. (My locale is set to Sunday)

I recall this was one report you were concerned with. Any others?


> On Sep 9, 2019 w37d252, at 5:42 AM, John Morris <> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  First, I offer a hearty thank you to the developers for this new version of 
> GnuCash. I really appreciate that my concern about the starting dates for 
> weekly reports garnered someone’s attention.
>  Unfortunately, the weekly reports are still not working correctly for me. In 
> earlier versions (specifically, 2.6.16 and 3.6), all weekly reports started 
> on Sunday regardless of which day I selected for the first day of the week in 
> my locale and regardless of which region I selected. Now, all weekly reports 
> start on Saturday regardless of which day I have selected for the first day 
> of the week in my locale and regardless of which region I have selected. 
>  I’m running GnuCash 3.7+(2019-09-07) under El Capitan (10.11.6) on a 17” 
> 2008 MacBook Pro and under Mojave (10.14.6) on a 15” 2014 MacBook Pro. It 
> seems to be performing essentially identically on both systems.
>  In a related note, the date pickers in the registers now do seem to be 
> working correctly. They seem to start with Monday, the day I have selected as 
> the first day of the week. Thank you for making this fix.
> Best,
> John

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