I would like some comments about how one would set up gnucash for a
Here are some of the specifics:
We hold 3 different types (categories) of dances:
1) F&F dances - those sponsored by our club (~15 dances per year)
2) DF dances - those we share sponsorship with another club (~5 dances
per year)
3) JBO dances - those sponsored jointly with yet another club (~2 dances
per year)
General expenses for the dances are:
i) venue costs
ii) Square Dance caller costs
iii) Round Dance cuer costs
iv) advertisement costs
v) miscellaneous expenses (decorations, etc)
Dance income
i) Door donations
ii) 50/50 ticket proceeds
How should the accounts (and reports) be setup to provide the following:
a) breakout and total expenses for each of the 5 expense categories
listed above
b) breakout and total income for each of the 2 income categories listed
c) a breakout of the income and expenses for each individual dance,
regardless of the dance category
d) a breakout of the income and expenses for each dance category
e) a breakout of the income and expenses for all dance categories combined
I don't have a background in accounting so some of the terms are not
familiar, but I think I can better communicate what I am thinking by
considering the following:
a) Jobs (tasks) - All individual dances, which need to fall under one of
the three dance categories listed above
b) Vendors - All callers and cuers
c) Customers are the dance categories to which each dance is assigned
I see the Jobs (individual dances) being comparable to the default
Checking Account, where it would show a profit or loss from the income
and expenses assigned to them.
I see the individual vendors (callers and cuers) being Expense
Sub-Accounts, along with the venue, advertisement, etc. expenses.
But, I don't see how to setup the customer accounts. Should they be
similar to the default Checking Account and the individual dances be
sub-accounts of the assigned customer accounts? Can that approach be
done? Or, can the individual dances be assigned to their categories
through configuration of the gnucash reports?
I hope I have provided enough info here that someone can help me setup
the core accounts needed to do what we want with gnucash.
Larry Wagner
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