On 7/26/19 10:42 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
The quickest path to a custom chart is to run the report to get the data you 
want, and then copy/paste to a spreadsheet and use the charting features there. 
I think most if not all charts in GnuCash have an option to include a data 
table that you can use as well.

OK.  How about scripting this?  Has anyone made a bash script to generate a 
data report, then
process it into a chart, and save to a file?

When you say "include a data table" I'm lost.  It would not be part of a chart, 
so included in what?
Generating a data table, (which to me means name:value pairs from an expense report would be great. I could bar chart it with any tool. I don't need the structure of the account levels in gnucash, just choosing which accounts, (or placeholdler aggregating accounts) to bar-chart, then being able to set the appearance details in an outside program is all I am wanting.
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