> On 19 Jun 2019, at 13:02, Larry Evans <cppljev...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
> You're not the first to request that feature:
>  https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2015-August/061582.html
> I'd also like such a feature.  As things are now, I create 2 subaccounts
> for a bank account, one subaccount called pending, the other called
> done.  The pending is for checks written, the done is for checks
> cleared.  When a check clears, I transfer from pending to done; hence,
> when all checks clear, the pending has 0.0 balance.
> This requires double entries, but it's easier for me to follow.

Hi, Larry.

Can you explain why working this way is useful to you?

The way I see it, when I write a cheque (rare these days) or make a payment 
using a credit card, I am committed to that expenditure, and the balance in my 
bank or credit card account as shown in Gnucash takes that into consideration.

Even if several weeks have gone by and the cheque hasn’t been cleared, I can’t 
write a further cheque that would take me into the red because the cheque could 
be cleared tomorrow and make my account overdrawn.

I assume you’re using the reconciliation feature to ensure that Gnucash and 
your bank are in step with one another, so the pending transaction will stand 


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