The major pain, for me at least, is not so much the ^F but the constant changing of the 'Find Transaction' options from 'Description' to 'Value' It's the only way I've used ^F so far - Value and has credits or debits -> equal to. I can see that flexibility of 'Find Transaction' will be very useful at some time. In my current marathon accounting balancing sessions (Still converting from Quicken*) I'm sure I've entered ^F nearly a hundred times or more.

How about something like some combinations of these;
- A Boolean check box to save the options on close in the "Find Transaction' window.
 -- Perhaps another check box for windows to remain open.
- A preference to save the last used options in the 'Find Transaction' window. - An additional 'quick find' initiated by ^F that uses the value->has credits or debits->equal to and move the full find to menu initiated only.

* ProTip; Don't procrastinate more than three months to import new .OFX transactions as many institutions only save three months available online.

 - Jeff

On 5/1/2019 10:16 AM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
I would think having to move the window around/send it to the background (and 
then bring it up front again when you need it) is more of a pain than hitting 
^F / ⌘F.

Remember, GnuCash has to accommodate many screen sizes, not just people with 
1080 and larger WXGA displays that have the room to keep a Find dialog open 
next to the main window. Some people are using this app on netbooks.

But if it is simple enough to implement, I could see that it would be a nice 
option. (and I have plenty of screen space, so I’d be happy to have it as well)


On Apr 29, 2019, at 3:40 PM, Colin Law <> wrote:

I would very much like the search window to remember the previous
settings when it is re-opened.  Very often I find myself just making a
small change and it is a pain to have to re-enter it.

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