I forgot to mention, it is okay to use the Process Payment for pre-payments, 
but you’ll still need to link that to the posted invoice to clear it. Simply 
use Process Payment again after posting and select both the pre-payment and the 
invoice. GnuCash will use up the portion it needs to cover the bill and leave 
the rest as a pre-payment for the next one.


> On Apr 30, 2019, at 8:09 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> Be certain not to manually enter pre-payments into AP. Ideally, create a 
> Current Asset account called something like ‘Pre-Paid Expenses’. (and make 
> subs for each such service if you have more than one)
> Enter the payments between your cash/checking/card account and this pre-paid 
> expense account.
> When the bill comes in, post it. Then process a payment for it using the 
> pre-paid asset.
> This is common with many tech services (such as web hosting) and insurances. 
> Some are billed later, some are billed and paid up front and expensed as you 
> ‘use them up’ each period. In that case, you can accomplish the expense with 
> a Scheduled Transaction if you like.
> Note, you don’t have to involve the Business Features if you don’t want to. 
> But be sure if you are using it, not to manually edit AP. (or AR)
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Apr 30, 2019, at 4:16 PM, David Burleigh <david.burle...@saphar.net> 
>> wrote:
>> I have a vendor (a VOIP service provider) that requires prepayments for
>> all services. So the way I have been doing this is to process a payment
>> to that vendor, which gives me a credit balance with them. Then, at the
>> end of the month, I post a bill from that service provider for the
>> total cost of the services used during that month, which is less than
>> the credit balance I have with that vendor. But the next time I start
>> up GnuCash, the "Due Bills Reminder" pops up and shows me that "unpaid"
>> bill, which is in fact "paid" out of the credit balance. 
>> So, my question is, how can I make those reminders go away? Or is there
>> a better way to account for these transactions?

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