
I accept your points regarding the dialog. It would be nice still to see what 
those options might be.

As for editing transaction-level data and having splits de-reconciled, it may 
be that changing the date makes sense, but I disagree when the description is 
edited. To be sure, it is unfortunate that the data elements in common usage do 
not fall into strictly acceptable boundaries; nonetheless, I think that the 
Description field should not be one of those transaction-level fields that 
forces a user to re-reconcile multiple accounts.


> On Apr 29, 2019, at 8:28 PM, John Ralls <> wrote:
>> On Apr 29, 2019, at 12:54 AM, David T. via gnucash-user 
>> <> wrote:
>> It was pointed out to me in another thread that one can reset specific 
>> warnings flags using Action->Reset Warnings. 
>> I’d like to raise a couple of points with this dialog, now that I have been 
>> introduced to it…
>> First off, the dialog is quite opaque, insofar as it is (apparently) only 
>> showing warnings for which I have selected options previously. There is no 
>> way for me to determine what (if any) other options I have here. I imagine 
>> it would be a whole lot clearer if I could have a listing of all the various 
>> options, along with their current setting. It is counterintuitive to me the 
>> way it is set up here.
>> Be that as it may, I have three entries listed here: “Change contents of 
>> reconciled split”“Remove a split from a transaction”“Commit changes to a 
>> transaction”
>> The first setting listed here refers to the behavior of de-reconciling a 
>> split in GnuCash. However, if a user changes Transaction-level data 
>> elements—such as the Description field—a split will become de-reconciled. 
>> Therefore, this preference is misnamed, and should be changed, since I 
>> should receive an alert if I change the description and the reconcile flag 
>> gets reset. Perhaps “Change reconcile flag upon edit” would be better?
>> Second, it seems to me that the boundary for when a split becomes 
>> de-reconciled needs to be drawn differently. I know this issue was discussed 
>> recently, and there were reasons given for why the logic falls the way it 
>> does. However, reconciliation applies to the *split*, as shown by the fact 
>> that each split in a transaction can be separately reconciled in its own 
>> account. Changing the status of the split based on a change in the 
>> transaction is inconsistent and illogical to me. 
>> I have transactions with as many as ten splits, in which several splits are 
>> reconciled. If, for some reason, I then change the description of the 
>> transaction, then every one of those reconciled splits will get 
>> de-reconciled-- requiring me to reconcile every linked account.
>> Finally, I will note that the program is at least consistent, in that when 
>> you change a description field, it does in fact change every cleared split 
>> in that transaction. I do, however, question whether that is the correct 
>> action to impose. 
> David,
> Did you read the description at the top of the dialog? It says 
> "You have requested that the following warning dialogs not be presented. To 
> re-enable any of these dialogs, select the check box next to the dialog, then 
> click OK."
> What's unclear about that? It's not a "manage warning dialogs" dialog, but it 
> doesn't claim to be. You can file an enhancement asking for one if you like.
> I agree that the "change reconciled splits" is a bit misleading. The actual 
> dialog with the warning is called "Change transaction with a reconciled 
> split". Both the setting and the tool-tip imply that it's per-split rather 
> than per-transaction.
> I'm ambivalent about whether changing the transaction should de-reconcile a 
> split, but it seems clear to me that changing the transaction date should as 
> that affects the ordering of the split when calculating the balance, so ISTM 
> that should continue to unreconcile all of the splits in the transaction.
> I also noticed while checking the reset warnings dialog that it doesn't take 
> effect during the current session. I filed 
> to track that.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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