Again thanks Adrien.

I don't know how you get any of your own work done given the amount of support you give all of us. It's greatly appreciated.

Still no joy. The account tree shows no sub-accounts for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. I reran the Balance Sheet with "show Hidden Accounts" ticked and "Levels of Subaccounts" set to "All" and it looks the same. No new lines were added and the AP amount is still the same wrong amount.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Adrien Monteleone" <>
To: "Gnucash Users" <>
Sent: 4/16/2019 12:16:22 PM
Subject: Re: [GNC] Equity Calculation on the Balance Sheet

Playing around with my own Balance Sheet report, I was able to produce a 
situation where the AP line did not agree with the register or the Aging report.

I had to create the following conditions:

AP needs to have a sub-account with a balance. (so I just moved one of my 
‘other liability’ accounts there temporarily as a test)
Then I ran the Balance Sheet Report, and chose the following options:

Set Accounts > "Levels of Subaccounts" = 2 (or one less than the level of that 
AP subaccount - so that you only see AP, but not any subs in the report)
Set Display > "Parent account balances:" = Subtotal

Then apply.

This gave me a Balance Sheet with an AP line that was more than my AP register 
and more than my AP Aging report, because it rolled up the sub-account into the 
total but I hid that sub-account from view. Clicking the AP account link takes 
me to it’s register, which has a lower balance than the report.

You might want to set, as a test, the “Levels of Subaccounts” to ‘all’ 
temporarily to see if there are any not usually visible causing this problem.

Finally, for good measure, make sure that only ONE of your liability accounts 
is of *type* Accounts Payable. (only one can be, and it has to be named 
‘Accounts Payable’) You can have plenty of ‘other AP’ accounts, even as 
children of the main AP account, but they have to be of the general liability 
type or some other liability type. The AR and AP types are special and are only 
to be used by the special Business Feature accounts.


 On Apr 16, 2019, at 10:41 AM, Tom Balaban <> wrote:

 Hi Adrien,

 Thanks for that explanation.

 On the issue of different amounts in the BS and the aged payables, I don't 
know where to go to get this resolved.

 The Aged Payables report show $83.65, The bottom of the AP ledger shows 
$83.65. There are no unmatched lots in the AP ledger. Since we are a seasonable 
business there have been no changes yet this year so the dates are not an 
issue. Still the BS shows $465.75. AR is OK.

 Any thoughts on how to track this down will be greatly appreciated,


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Adrien Monteleone" <>
 To: "Gnucash Users" <>
 Sent: 4/15/2019 11:26:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [GNC] Equity Calculation on the Balance Sheet


 Strange that the AR/AP numbers would be different on those two reports. 
Perhaps it is a date issue on the Aging reports. Make sure they would end on 
the same day you are running the balance sheet for. The only thing I can think 
of that might cause this would be bills and invoices that are posted to dates 
beyond the Balance Sheet date and those aging reports are set to include them. 
(the Balance Sheet won’t of course, because their date hasn’t arrived) If the 
Balance Sheet is set for a date beyond all posted invoices and bills and so 
your aging reports are ’thru’ the same date, then I’m not sure where the 
problem lies.

 Retained Earnings/Losses is a friendly shortcut of GnuCash so you don’t have 
to ‘Close the Books’ each year to get that figure. (this is the computer age 
after all)

 In this case, the net of Income-Expenses is a loss for now.

 If you’d rather have an actual Equity account where you record Retained 
Earnings/Losses, then as of the date for each end of year, perform the close 
books procedure. (or close all income and expense accounts to that account 

 The reason your Balance Sheet is showing a different number than Net Income 
YTD is that the Balance Sheet is ‘for all time’ not just this year. So 
effectively, you are only $38.61 from becoming profitable since you opened the 
books in GnuCash.

 Essentially, this wouldn’t change if you used an actual Equity account here. It would show 
"Equity:Retained Earnings" as "-$38.61".


 On Apr 15, 2019, at 9:20 PM, Tom Balaban <> wrote:

 For reasons that I haven't Yet figured out, AR and AP balances are often 
incorrect on my Balance Sheet but are correct on the Payables and Receivable 
Aging reports.

 This forces me to recast the Balance Sheet in a spreadsheet using the correct AP & AR 
balances. The math is basic but our company is on the cusp of profitability and I'm having 
problem with the Balance Sheet Report term "Retained Losses". Does this appear when 
we are not profitable and what does it change to when we are profitable, as I suspect we are 
beginning last month?

 I much prefer using Retained Earnings with a negative number to present accumulated 
losses and my recollection of how the Equity portion is structured is something like 
the following"

    Retained Earnings {based on Fiscal year end}
 Income Y-T-D
 Total Equity

 FWIW, the Balance Sheet report shows Retained Losses of $38.61 but our P&L shows 
Y-T-D income as $1,246.95. I agree with the P&L but where does GC get the Retained 
Losses from?

 Thanks for reading.


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