Hi John,

Thanks, confirmed that it’s nothing to do with Perl and gnucash / financequote.
I connected to my neighbors Wifi and finance quote works like a charm. When I 
go back through my router I times out again.
Any suggestion if it is a DNS or a TCP, or UDP poor I should look for and 

Best, Bruno

> On Mar 30, 2019, at 8:02 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us> wrote:
> Stockdump.pl isn't misinterpreting anything. You can pass it multiple symbols 
> and it prepends the symbol to each message so that you know which message 
> goes with which symbol.
> It seems unlikely that it's a DNS issue, but you could take the laptop 
> somewhere where there's public wifi and try from there. An Apple Store might 
> be a good choice, because then you can show the problem to a "Genius" and see 
> what they think.
> I'm out of ideas for what could be borked with perl. You might try creating a 
> new user and running stock dump as that user (you'll need to adjust 
> permissions in your home directory) just to make sure that it isn't something 
> goofy in your environment.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Mar 30, 2019, at 3:59 PM, Bruno Acklin <back...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> John,
>> Thanks for your help and patience!
>> I did just that and updated Net::HTTP, as well as LWP, Date::Manip and 
>> Finance::Quote again. All of them are confirmed up to date now.
>> But calling …/stockdump.pl still yields an "internal server error” 500:
>> Brunos-MacBook-Pro:~ backlin$ 
>> ~/.cpan/build/Finance-Quote-1.47-FVw_VE/Examples/stockdump.pl yahoo_json aapl
>> $VAR1 = {
>>          'aaplsymbol' => 'aapl',
>>          'aaplsuccess' => 0,
>>          'aaplerrormsg' => 'Error retrieving quote for aapl. Attempt to 
>> fetch the URL https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/quote?symbols=aapl 
>> resulted in HTTP response 500 (Internal Server Error)'
>>        };
>> Why is stockdump.pl misinterpreting the parameters and prepending apple to 
>> ‘symbol’ and ‘success’ and 'error msg’?
>> Still, calling the very URL in the error message using curl works instantly:
>> Brunos-MacBook-Pro:~ backlin$ curl 
>> https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/quote?symbols=aapl
>> {"quoteResponse":{"result":[{"language":"en-US","region":"US","quoteType":"EQUITY","quoteSourceName":"Nasdaq
>>  Real Time 
>> Price","currency":"USD","fullExchangeName":"NasdaqGS","longName":"Apple ..
>> Could Perl address another "internal server” which times out? A DNS issue?
>> Do you have any other suggestions to try, or can point out the program 
>> hierarchy to trace these calls?
>> (Again reminding that I have this problem on two independent installations, 
>> and it appeared overnight, while gnucash on Desktop, and Perl Terminal 
>> window on Laptop were open and running.)
>> Thanks, Bruno
>>> On Mar 28, 2019, at 6:15 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.fremont.ca.us> 
>>> wrote:
>>> ~/.cpan/build/Finance-Quote-1.47-XXXXX/Examples/stockdump.p

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