The OFX importing is working fine for me /My baks exports in OFX format. QFX
is just a proprietary version of OFX used by Intuit so there should be no
basic problems. Some banks do not correctly implement the OFX format but as
you can import some transaction that might not be the problem. I think
GnuCash will spit the dummy if it doesn't parse the import format correctly.
The next source of problems can be the import matching. In some cases the
Import matcher will identify a new transaction with an existing transaction
and will as a result not import it. This can be becasue the importer has to
allow a date range within which to match as well as matching on other
information. Other sources of problems can be an incorrect date format
selected for import but this would normally reject all transactions. 

The import matcher also has problems matching importing data which has a
numerical or transaction ID in the description which changes with each
transaction imported. This tends to override other data which matches.

The first step is to determine which transactions are not being imported. If
all the transactions to be imported are appearing in the import matcher
window, then the file is parsing and correctly importing the data. 

If the A (Add) column is checked then the matcher has identified the
transaction as a new transaction to add. If the background of the line for
the transaction is yellow, then the matcher is unable to assign an account
for the second split (transfer account) and you will have to assign an
account manually by double clicking on the transaction line and assigning an
appropriate account in the dialog which comes up. The background will then
turn green. If you import without assigning an account the Imbalance account
will be assigned as a transfer account to indicate that no transfer account
was assigned. Any transactions with splits to the Imbalance account indicate
a problem with the transaction which needs to be corrected

If the background was initially green, then the matcher has assigned the
transfer account on the basis of previously imported data. Check the
assigned transfer account is the one you want to assign to that transaction.

If the matcher matches a transaction to an existing transaction if it is an
exact match the transaction line background will be read and the checkbox in
the A column and U+R column will be unchecked and the R column will be
checked and the transaction will not be imported. If you do not think this
is correct, uncheck the R column, and check the A column and select an
appropriate transfer account and check it is correct as before.

 If the match is close enough but not exact then the U+R column will be
checked and the background will again be red. In this case the transaction
will be updated with the information that is different between the importd
and matching transaction. Again this can be overridden by unchecking the U+R
checkbox and selecting the A checkbox and setting an appropriate trasnfer
account if you believe the matcher decision is wrong.

Once all backgrounds are green (or red for lines not to be imported) you can
click OK to complete the import.

If you don't reach the above stages it is likely a problem with the file
format. If you can identify a specific transaction that isn't imported, then
locate and examine a record for a transaction of that type. You can
edit/examine the QFX file with any text editor. The OFX format specification
is described in a pdf which can be downloaded from 

If you find your bank has not correctly implemented the OFX/QFX standard,
then you can contact the bank, report the error to them and request they fix
it.  If you cannot find a problem with their implementation  then come back
for more help  perhaps with examples of the  data that is not importing

David Cousens

David Cousens
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