So if all of the data is already in your other custom system, why not just add 
a means for reconciliation to it?


> On Apr 11, 2019, at 6:00 PM, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user 
> <> wrote:
> On 4/11/19 3:49 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> And so the ‘bookkeeping’ is not quite complete. (the checking and credit 
>> cards aren’t yet booked)
> They are so booked.  Not in the GnC fashion though.  You can't close
> a purchase order unless charges match balances, that includes who
> and how much you paid for things.  I even kick out use tax for the
> state (makes the state all warm and fuzzy).
> There is about 300 lines of my code when you try to close a purchase
> order or expense entry.  You can't get away with anything.

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