It threaded that way for me as well. But then once the first reply came back, 
it somehow magically decoupled. I chalked it up to a hiccup. Now I’m 
intrigued as to how it got separated. Curious to see what the Mailman archive 
page shows.


> On Apr 5, 2019, at 11:06 AM, Geert Janssens <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> It was "hijacked" in the sense that you seem to have started it by replying 
> to 
> John Ralls' reply on the "help lost data file" thread. So my mail client did 
> hide your message in that thread. Apparently that also happened for Frank.
> Of course I can't *know* what you did exactly. It just *looks* like this is 
> what you did: take an existing message, hit reply (or reply to list/all), 
> change subject and body, send. That would cause such a message to end up 
> hidden in the original thread.
> In any case I also didn't immediately see your message.
> Regards,
> Geert
> Op vrijdag 5 april 2019 15:56:24 CEST schreef Greg Feneis:
>> Hi Frank,
>> I started this thread. I've been driving this thread since I started it.
>> What made you think I hijacked?
>> I was aware of bugzilla, but it's not an email list.  I had some concern
>> that the process had changed from when I last monitored this list many
>> months ago.  Previously an error like this gets discussed, and someone, a
>> developer or person who works more closely with the project, asks the
>> reporter to log it to bugzilla.
>> Kind regards,
>> Greg Feneis <>
>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 10:43 PM Frank H. Ellenberger <
>>> wrote:
>>> Am 04.04.19 um 17:28 schrieb Greg Feneis:
>>>> Is there some other gnucash list I should use to report program errors?
>>> Yes, Greg,
>>> read for the details.
>>> BTW: Next time instead of hijacking other threads start a new one. ;-)
>>> Regards frank
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Greg Feneis <>
>>>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 5:41 PM Greg Feneis <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I just upgraded to 3.5 from 2.6.21.
>>>>> I've been using 2.6.x for a few years, and never had trouble saving to
>>>>> this directory, but after upgrading to 3.5, I tried to save and it
>>> gives me
>>>>> an error message.
>>>>> "You attempted to save in "can't be displayed" or a subdirectory
>>> thereof.
>>>>> This is not allowed as GnuCash reserves that director for internal use.
>>>>> Please try again in a different directory."  (close)
>>>>> Here's a link to a screen shot of the error message:
>>>>> Note that where I wrote "can't be displayed" is actually a strange
>>> graphic
>>>>> like when an emoji can't be displayed.  See the screen shot.
>>>>> It appears when the error message was generated, the file path couldn't
>>> be
>>>>> parsed.  This makes me think GnuCash isn't capable of parsing the save
>>> to
>>>>> path.  I suspect it's a path length issue.  I tried shorter paths and
>>>>> it
>>>>> worked.  FSR, the new GnuCash seem like it can't save to the same
>>>>> length
>>>>> path that the old series was capable of.
>>>>> Sorry if this is already a known issue
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Greg Feneis <>

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