On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 10:16 PM Rustyc <r...@turkeysnest.com> wrote:

> Have read manuals, set up a chart of accounts and started by importing a
> QIF file of bank transactions thinking this would be the quickest way to
> get going.

When you performed the import process, there's a step where you are
supposed to assign accounts for each transaction. It sounds like you
skipped it. If you start over, delete the account and recreate it, or start
from a backup, and assign the accounts as you import, then this will also
train the importer to auto-assign for future imports. I'll explain below
how to edit them from the current state if you'd rather do that.

> I end up with two entries for each transaction but there is no indication
> of which entry is for the bank transaction and which is the one I have to
> assign to another GnuCash account (which is what I presume is what is
> required). The plus and minus signs in the QIF have disappeared. Am I
> missing something?

GnuCash never displays a minus sign. Instead, you should find that a line
has an amount in one of the two columns, but never both. It's a different
way of displaying the same information.

Also the manual states that “Debit and Credit” terms can be replaced with
> “Deposit and Withdrawal” for newbies. However, Account view shows columns
> labelled “Increase and Decrease”. Confusing! Can someone explain.

If you don't have "formal accounting terms" turned on then GnuCash will use
different terms depending on the type of the account, attempting to refer
to what you are (usually) doing when that type of transaction occurs.
"Deposit" and "Withdrawal" are used for bank accounts.
"Payment" and "Charge" are used for credit cards.
"Expense" and "Rebate" are used for expense accounts.
...and so on.

"Increase" and "Decrease" are the generic terms for account types that
don't have specific terms. Increases (in the value of that account) are
always in the left column and decreases are always in the right column.

So for example, if you wanted to correct a transaction that is
*outgoing* money,
in a bank account, and erroneously pointing back to the same account
instead of an expense account, you would find the version of it which has
the amount listed in the "Withdrawal" column, then edit the "Transfer"
column to specify the correct other account. Once you complete that, the
second copy in the same account's register will disappear.
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