
I was/am unsure by what you mean by "connecting" a dividend to a stock or in
Art's case an interest payment to the asset it derives from.  One could
establish a connection in a number of ways( using the description fields for
example but this would not be followable). Are you thinking of something
like the way invoices and payments are linked in the business features which
you could use to identify the stock from which the dividend was produced?  

There is no facility at present in the transaction data structure in GnuCash
to do this. It could possibly be done by adding a KVP to the transaction
structure which identified  the stock in some way where the transaction
involved a trading account but there is a lot of coding to do to provide the
support for identifying the associated stock and provision of a way to
display the relevant account. 

I'm not a Quicken user but looking at the Help from Quicken, they handle
transaction creation via a number of dialogues. The Income dialogue is
described here
This is similar to MYOB which I used a long time ago and I think this is
what Art was referring to. I don't know that this explicitly creates a link
between the transaction record and the asset account in Quicken though.

The other dialog they mention is Income -Reinvest which is where the
dividend (or interest) is paidin stock addition to the asset rather than
being received as cash or equivalent. In this case the transaction is
explicitly linked to the asset as the asset account is the target of the
debit component of the transaction.

I do understand the complication of using income sub-account and being left
with orphan account when the stock is sold for example. I only use income
subaccounts myself with a few long term blue chip  stock holdings that I
don't actively trade in but have held for a long time.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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