Wow, this is getting (more) complicated -

You said -
[When Gnucash starts, it *normally* opens the file that was open when 
you shutdown last time around,
so it is fairly easy to get the wrong one by mistake if you've been 
digging in the folder.]
I just booted up GNUcash without any 'digging' and got  -

On the bottom of the screen.

which follows your information, as the 'second' file? right ? so, I go to file>open and I get -
etc., etc. None of which have the date that is on the open GNUcash file. 
Maybe it is one of the files marked 'wed'? but the dates don't match.
So I look further down the list of files under file > open and I finally 
come to -
The only file on these two grabs which fits your name criteria is the 
very first one above but the date is almost a year ago, and none of the 
others in the second grab seem to fit the criteria.
:-( I am truly sorry for the long sequence of q&a but I am accustomed to 
assuming the file I last used opens again after I 'save' and 'quit'
Thank you very much for your patience.


On 11/02/2019 12:08, Maf. King wrote:
On Monday, 11 February 2019 10:35:30 GMT you wrote:
OK, thanks. So, it is 'normal' to be using it?

No, you risk data loss at the point of opening the backup.

let me clarify.

Your data file is called (for example) "mybooks.gnucash" All timestamps are
made up (but plausible)

you enter a transaction and save and quit.  GC renames the old
"mybooks.gnucash" to "mybooks.gnucsh.201901022345.gnucash" and saves the
changes into a new file on disk called "mybooks.gnucash"

you later open the backup (by mistake) and enter another transaction, save and
quit again.  GC creates the backup mybooks.gnucash.201901022345.gnucash.

GC now has 3 files in the folder:

mybooks.gnucash    <-- has the 1st edit in it
mybooks.gnucash.201901022345.gnucash  <-- has the 2nd edit in it
mybooks.gnucash.201901022345.gnucash.201901081256.gnucash <--no edits in it

as you can see, by using a backup, you loose the previous edit session - go a
few edits down the road and you can be in proper mess with transactions
seeming to go missing from months ago!

When Gnucash starts, it *normally* opens the file that was open when you shut
down last time around, so it is fairly easy to get the wrong one by mistake if
you've been digging in the folder.  On Windows & Linux, you can make GC open
with a different file by clicking... but not so on mac.  No matter what file you
try to open GC with, it WILL use the previous one. So if you've been looking
at backups, on a Mac you NEED to File->Open once GC is running.


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