> On Jan 20, 2019, at 2:05 AM, Kevin Thorne <thornesonth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OS: Win 10
> GnuCash 3.4 
> F:Q 1.47
> Perl 5 v26.1
> Have set the Alphavantage key in GnuCash under preferences
> Trying to get stock updates from Australia and USA
> Seems all is working from CMD and alphavantage outside GnuCash.
> I have tried to follow all suggestions but cant get this working, is anyone 
> able to assist?

Are those the only quotes that you have configured for retrieval? If not, it’s 
most likely Alphavantage's throttling that has been discussed ad nauseam here 
for the last 9 months.

John Ralls
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