On 12/31/18 2:17 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Dec 2018 at 10:06, Colin Law <clan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 at 20:33, Stephen M. Butler <kg...@arrl.net> wrote:
>>> For those interested in a deb file but not willing to compile yourself:
>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=172BMIvLgD7twcGEWkR5GcddoZ_A4QWfY -->
>>> gnucash_3.4-0-1_amd64.deb
>> I am trying this on Ubuntu 18.10 and when running it I get
>> error while loading shared libraries: libboost_regex.so.1.65.1: cannot
>> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> OK, found solution
> sudo apt install libboost-regex1.65.1
> It seems to be working ok on Ubuntu 18.10 now. Subject to further
> testing of course. Will let you know.
> Colin
> .
Thanks Colin for that info.  I was starting a search for libboost but
then thought to read the rest of the emails and you had already found
the solution.

Along that vein, the checkinstall documentation seems to imply the deb
file is good only for same O/S and release #.  Launchpad seems to be the
only open source platform for ppa but it is oriented toward Ubuntu.  It
does appear to have options for 32/64 bit and the various Ubuntu and
Debian releases.  However, their requirements for packaging are quite a
ways beyond my skill level. 

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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