Op donderdag 6 december 2018 03:48:22 CET schreef stephen.m.butler51:
> I'll see if I can grab the 3.3 branch.

I understand what you want to say here, however it occurs to me there's still 
some confusion on how git works. So I'll take the liberty to elaborate a bit 
on that. There is no 3.3 "branch". Releases are "tagged" instead so there will 
be a 3.3 tag you can check out.

A "branch" is a moving target that always points at last commit of a chain of 
commits. You can add new commits to this chain, which will move the branch to 
the new last commit of that chain.

A tag on the other hand is used to mark very specific commits which are not 
necessarily the last one in a chain. As releases are fixed moments in time, it 
makes sense to use tags to mark releases. And branches on the other hand track 
ongoing work (either maintenance work on the "maint" branch or new development 
work on the "master" branch or even intermediate work on feature branches, 
though these are used only in user's personal repository clones).



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