I can heartily endorse crouton (https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton)  as a
way to install Linux on a chromebook.  I did it for a couple years, and
Ubuntu ran beautifully, but there will of course be a dependency on how
powerful it is.   I had an Acer C720 with 4GB RAM, 32GB SSD, and an Intel
I3, where many Chromebooks of that era had 2GB RAM, 16GB SSD, and a Celeron.

You will have to use developer mode, and enabling that does a power-wash on
the chromebook, but other than being careful not to lose any files, it's
pretty easy.  I would definitely give it a try if I were you.



On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 4:50 PM randix <butterands...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I'm not feelin' real warm and fuzzy at the moment, notwithstanding that
> I
> lost my laptop earlier today
> So I can't get Gnucash on a Chromebook
> So I can't get Gnucash Portable to work on a Chromebook
> If I want to "rely" on the GnuCash app (which I realize has zippo to do
> with
> the the "authentic" GnuCash), I have the challenge since I currently have
> no
> access to GnuCash, to export my account structure to that app unless I
> spend
> oodles of hours re-creating it, and I wonder even if I somehow did, how
> that
> app would accommodate the tons of data that I have in my backup GnuCash
> files (I know, I know, that's not a topic for this site).
> Sorta feelin' like what it must feel like when a nut laughs at a screw
> Bartender?
> --
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