Sorry, I misspoke there.

The fact that ‘#account_tree column-header’ works means that ‘column-header’ is 
a descendent of #account_tree, but the fact that using ‘>’ fails, means it is 
not a direct child. (though the node tree seems to look that way in the 

‘column-header’ itself seems a bit mystifying in that case, as both of these 
rules work to style ONLY the header:

#account_tree > GtkButton
#account_tree column_header > GtkButton

Which is it? Are those GtkButtons that make up the header children of 
#account_tree or column-header? They can’t be both and be the same nodes. I 
don’t see any indication what type of widget/node column-header is, unlike 
everything else in the tree. (no indication it is just a class or other name)

Very strange...


> On Jul 31, 2018, at 10:40 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> Hmm. ‘:column-header’ doesn’t work at all for me in either Mac or Linux. 
> (well, nothing about the header is working in Mac for me at the moment, might 
> be a Gtk version thing)
> On Linux, with gtk-3.18, the following works for the entire column-header row:
> #account_tree > GtkButton
> #account_tree GtkButton
> #account_tree .button
> #account_tree column-header GtkButton
> #account_tree column-header > GtkButton
> #account_tree column-header .button
> Neither ‘#account_tree column-header’ by itself, nor placing the direct child 
> selector ‘>’ or the pseudo selector ‘:’ between #account_tree and column 
> header works in any combination by themselves, or with GktButton/.button. 
> That tells me column-header is a child of #account_tree, just not the first 
> one. (can’t seem to find what that is though) It’s also not a pseudo selector 
> because it fails to render.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 10:32 PM, GT-I9070 H <> wrote:
>> I figured you thought that! :)
>> Em ter, 31 de jul de 2018 às 20:53, Adrien Monteleone 
>> <> escreveu:
>> Ah yes, I tested that too. I thought you meant the arrow pointer itself.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 5:48 PM, GT-I9070 H <> wrote:
>>> Excuse me, this works fine:
>>> #account_tree:selected {
>>>  color: white;
>>>  background-color: steelblue;
>>> }
>>> Regards
>>> GTI
>>> Em ter, 31 de jul de 2018 às 16:25, GT-I9070 H <> 
>>> escreveu:
>>> It would be interesting also to stylize the account sheet cursor.
>>> Regards
>>> GTI
>>> Em ter, 31 de jul de 2018 às 16:02, Adrien Monteleone 
>>> <> escreveu:
>>> Hmm...
>>> It was working using the GtkInspector, and with the css file Linux. But 
>>> when I try similar selectors via css on MacOS (which I normally use) they 
>>> don’t work at all. (just the header stuff that is) I’ll have to investigate 
>>> more.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 2:42 PM, GT-I9070 H <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Adrien,
>>>> This does not work:
>>>> #account_tree column-header {
>>>>      color: lime;
>>>> }
>>>> Am I writing something wrong?
>>>> Regards
>>>> GTI
>>>> Em ter, 31 de jul de 2018 às 14:38, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>> <> escreveu:
>>>> GTI,
>>>> You could test the font-family rule by changing it to something obviously 
>>>> different, like serif, monospaced, or say ‘Comic Sans’. (I suppose it’s 
>>>> useful at least for this) I just revamped my css from the old gtkrc method 
>>>> from 2.6.x and it picked up the font rules just fine.
>>>> I found the header selectors.
>>>> So here is the hierarchy:
>>>> GncTreeViewAccount (id=“account_tree”) > column-header > GtkButton 
>>>> (class=“button”) > GtkBox > GtkAlignment > GtkLabel (class=“label”)
>>>> GncTreeViewAccount affect the entire tab contents.
>>>> column-header affects the entire header.
>>>> GtkButton affects each section of the header.
>>>> GtkBox affects only the portion of the header cell that contains text and 
>>>> white space. (Does not include separators or margins)
>>>> GtkAlignment affects only the portion of GtkBox that contains actual text 
>>>> characters. (GtkBox minus padding)
>>>> GtkLabel is the text itself.
>>>> Thus if you want to style the entire header bar you could use:
>>>> #account_tree column-header
>>>> #account_tree column-header GtkButton/button will target only the first 
>>>> header. (you can use the :x-child pseudo selectors for the others)
>>>> #account_tree column-header .button targets all header buttons seems to 
>>>> have the same effect as if you hadn’t specified the class as in the first 
>>>> instance.
>>>> #account_tree column-header GtkLabel/label targets only the first header 
>>>> label. (same as button)
>>>> #account_tree column-header .label targets all header labels.
>>>> Note, ‘column-header’ for some reason doesn’t appear to be specifically 
>>>> necessary at least in gtk-3.18, but it’s probably a good idea to include 
>>>> it. It seems all of the accounts are also GtkButton nodes with GtkLabels, 
>>>> but they don’t seem to change on the declarations when I don’t include 
>>>> column-header for some reason. Perhaps this is a code issue as noted in a 
>>>> previous reply. Since this might change, I’d say it’s safer to specify 
>>>> buttons/labels as children of column-header for future durability.
>>>> Since including column-header is more specific, it shouldn’t matter the 
>>>> cascade order as it will take precedence over plain #account_tree rules.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Adrien
>>>>> On Jul 31, 2018, at 12:17 PM, GT-I9070 H <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks  Adrien ,
>>>>> I'm with my smartphone bricked and I stopped Flash it to test GnuCash.
>>>>> I tested this on Windos 10:
>>>>> /* Account sheet font settings */
>>>>> #account_tree {
>>>>>  font-family: Arial;
>>>>>  font-size: 15;
>>>>>  color: blue;
>>>>>  background-color: #1C2833;
>>>>>  padding: 1px;
>>>>>  letter-spacing: 5px;
>>>>> }
>>>>> #account_tree:selected {
>>>>>  color: white;
>>>>> }
>>>>> /* Tab font color */
>>>>> notebook tab label {
>>>>>  color: blue; 
>>>>> }
>>>>> and it worked the first time. I'm not sure if "font-family: Arial;" 
>>>>> worked, but I'm sure it did not block the .css.
>>>>> Only "letter-spacing: 5px;" changed the column header.
>>>>> Now we just need to customize the column header.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> GTI
>>>>> Em ter, 31 de jul de 2018 às 02:25, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>>> <> escreveu:
>>>>> Follow-up:
>>>>> I’m not sure what was wrong the first time, but the following does work 
>>>>> for all text on the CoA tab but does not change the header row:
>>>>> #account_tree {
>>>>>  color: *your-color-here*;
>>>>> }
>>>>> #account_tree:selected {
>>>>>  color: *other-color-here*;
>>>>> }
>>>>> If there was a need to address the GtkLabels directly, that doesn’t seem 
>>>>> possible. According to the spec, it should be to style the node by type, 
>>>>> but it isn’t working. (at least in 3.18)
>>>>> The class ‘label’ is also not working properly. It seems to only apply to 
>>>>> toolbar button labels and the header row of the CoA table.
>>>>> Using the GtkInspector, I added the label class to the 
>>>>> GtkTreeViewAccountView widget and it worked properly though. So perhaps 
>>>>> the code needs to somehow include this for it to work. (my reading of the 
>>>>> Gtk-css reference doesn’t seem to make this clear, with the impression 
>>>>> that one can specify a node or a label regardless)
>>>>> There should probably be something on the wiki documenting this, as well 
>>>>> as all the relevant selectors. (some are documented on Git as part of a 
>>>>> sample css file) If I have page permissions I’ll start one, but if not 
>>>>> I’ll have to file a wiki bug and wait for it to be created.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Adrien
>>>>>> On Jul 30, 2018, at 5:04 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> This is proving to be more difficult than it probably should be. 
>>>>>> Unfortunately, there is very little documentation on using GtkInspector, 
>>>>>> and it seems the tool was designed for people who are doing the coding 
>>>>>> of the app and are ‘inyoursleep’ familiar with the GUI elements and 
>>>>>> objects used.
>>>>>> However, I’ve managed something that might be useful.
>>>>>> Try:
>>>>>> #account_tree {
>>>>>> color: *your-color-here*;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> This should change the base color of the text for the entire tree, 
>>>>>> including the column headers.
>>>>>> You can use other common css rules here such as background-color, 
>>>>>> font-family, font-size, letter-spacing, padding, etc.
>>>>>> The account names themselves (and their related text in sibling columns) 
>>>>>> are likely either class “label” or “GtkLabel” (depending on Gtk version, 
>>>>>> 3.20 is the former, 3.18 the latter) but specifying this class instead 
>>>>>> of the ID for the entire tree doesn’t seem to do anything. (I’m on 3.18 
>>>>>> using Ubuntu 16.04, but I tried both with no result) You might have 
>>>>>> better luck. Ideally, I’d rather style classes than IDs, especially 
>>>>>> since in this case, the ID includes the column headers.
>>>>>> An additional complication is that the tree-view has identical nodes for 
>>>>>> pretty much everything under it and the inspector doesn’t seem to let me 
>>>>>> select any particular account label with any specificity or figure out 
>>>>>> which node in the tree is which one I’m looking at on screen. (I 
>>>>>> understand specificity for the web, but building a unique selector seems 
>>>>>> a little different in GTK) I can only select the entire tree at once.
>>>>>> The above might also pose an issue because a selected account would need 
>>>>>> different background and font colors. The inspector is supposed to show 
>>>>>> a ’selected’ node that might be useful here, but since I can't figure 
>>>>>> out which child GtkLabel belongs to what, I’m not seeing that particular 
>>>>>> ’selected’ node.  I’ll keep trying and poking around though.
>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adrien
>>>>>>> On Jul 26, 2018, at 7:27 PM, GT-I9070 H <> wrote:
>>>>>>> One file for everything is better.
>>>>>>> In my .ini file there is only one section and one line to change the 
>>>>>>> text size of the accounts page because it was the only method I found 
>>>>>>> and worked, the .css method for this fails. For everything else I use 
>>>>>>> .css, I've customized the registry with .css.
>>>>>>> For tabs I already got change color and font.
>>>>>>> I had already done searches on the list and I was not lucky.
>>>>>>> Of course we can wait, without problems, meanwhile I'll keep trying.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> GTI
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