On 07/30/2018 02:16 PM, Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
> :
>>> Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable are in a similar vein.  In
>>> fact, they share a common feature with payroll in that they deal with
>>> 3rd party entities (Receivable -- entities who owe you money;
>>> Payable --
>>> entities to whom you owe money; Payroll -- entities who get paid for a
>>> salary/wage).  That common module of dealing with names/addresses and
>>> relationships could be abstracted out of all three modules and made a
>>> common service.
>>> -- 
>>> Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
>>> stephen.m.butle...@gmail.com
>>> kg...@arrl.net
>>> 253-350-0166 
>  Oh dear. No, I would see them as VERY different. And very different
> information being kept.
> When I have a payable I owe THAT person an amount.
> When I have a payroll event I owe THAT person something (some portion
> of the gross amount), and according to information on that person's
> record owe (for example) the Feds various amounts, the state various
> amounts (and neither of the previous single accounts -- example,
> income tax and SS and medicare separate; state income tax and state
> workman's comp separate, etc. ) and possibly various other
> entities/accounts. I am required (by many jurisdictions) not only that
> amounts be correct but that the employee get a statement along with
> that check (or direct deposit). Many/most of the amounts depend on
> data on the HR record.
> Michael D Novack
That portion is correct.  However, you have to track their name and
address which would be the same for A/P and A/R.  That is the portion
that could be abstracted out.

And yes, I did write a payroll system once back in the late 70's using a
two-level network database and a transactional language (not COBOL even
though I have 20 years experience with that also).  And I have been a
database administrator/designer for a couple of decades.  So,
abstracting out sub-systems is in my blood.  However, lest folks get any
ideas of drafting me, all my languages are now considered old school and
I'd have to learn C, C++, XML, etc. 

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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