Dear all,

I am a long time user of gnucash and a first time poster on this forum. I
find myself stuck between versions. On my desktop (Ubuntu 16.04) I am
running gnucash 2.6.17. On my phone I am running the mobile version. I keep
the mobile version up to date with whatever the latest version is.

I have been recording transactions on my mobile phone since about December
2017 and thought it would be a good idea to now import these into my
desktop. Prior to December 2017, I had run some tests and everything worked
fine: I could export a QIF file on the phone and import that into an
existing gnucash file on my desktop. The transactions that I created via the
phone app would simply be added to the transactions that existed on the
desktop version.

When I now come to import the QIF file, I get a message saying "An error
occurred while loading the QIF file", followed by the message "A bug was
detected while parsing the QIF file". I have tried to export my transactions
using CSV format, but the import does not work either. After Googling around
a bit, I learned that the import function (for CSV) does not work (properly)
in version 2.6 and below.

I found that the QIF files I had created during my tests prior to December
2017 are in plain text format, while the QIF file I created today seems to
be binary. As such, I thought to upgrade my desktop version to the latest
stable (3.2).

It seems to be quite a process to get that upgraded, but I followed the
instructions outlined here to
the letter.

Unfortunately, when I reach the end, I run the command:

and that crashes with an error. See:
The content of the cmake output file is here:

Where do I go from here? How can I get my transactions for the last 8 months
added to the existing transactions on my gnucash desktop version?


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