
I don’t know if I am going crazy, but I thought that GnuCash used typical Mac 
key bindings (CMD-S, CMD-P, etc.). In the last few weeks, though, most of these 
key bindings use the CTRL key. Although I haven’t changed 2.6 in a while, I 
have downloaded and run 3.1 (without saving anything), and I wonder if this has 
changed the key bindings somehow. 

A few points: 

1) If trying 3.1 *did* change the key bindings, how can I restore the older 
2) If 3.1 changes the key bindings this way, it would be very un-Mac, and I 
would consider this to be a downgrade.
3) If the key bindings are being changed in this way for the future, it might 
be advisable to alert the user base in the release notes going forward, so that 
they are aware of them.

David T.
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